This Brazillian Portuguese blog post highlights the concept of cashback in credit cards, delving into its meaning and workings. Beginning with the introduction of cashback and its increasing popularity, the post further explains the concept of cashback for credit cards. Subsequently, the post analyses how cashback functions for credit card users. Furthermore, it discusses the process of earning cashback in Brazil, specifying steps on reaping its benefits. Among these steps include checks on consumption habits, cart comparisons and their respective rewards, card requirement examination, and poring over eligibility details and constraints. There are also tables listing the benefits and considerations of availing cashback in credit cards. Overall, this blog post employs informal language, utilizing h2, h3 and h4 headers as well as bullet-point and numbered lists. It runs at around 600 words for the entire article with in-content links to additional literature regarding the topic. Lastly, the blog post includes a table comparing different cashback percentages and their correlation to card plans.   
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